
Wednesday 22 October 2014

Being sick.

   Usually being sick is associated with that reducing feeling of shame as you contemplate the possibility of staying home and spending the day taking care of yourself. This is immediately followed by the sense of gloom as the realization comes that no such magical day shall take place. Of course there is always work projects, pressures of co-workers,  family needs, blah blah blah. (I think we can place all of those reasons in a bin and label it excuses.)
   What if one glorious day you were sick and you did what your heart wanted. You stayed in bed, watched movies, drank tea, made soup, took a nap, read a book, had a hot bath, took another nap. What would happen?
   Don't get me wrong, this sort of happiness does take commitment. You will feel guilty (mostly self imposed) and at first it will be tough to hang about in bed. Remain steadfast. It will get easier. The dishes will call your name, be sure to turn up the volume on the T.V. Your spouse may wonder what's for dinner. If you just go back to napping long enough, they will go away, if not eat your soup. You may have to face friends, relatives and mail delivery persons in your pyjamas. This is all part of letting people know your new attitude.
   You are important. Taking care of yourself is important. Others are motivated to make you feel bad about this only because they do not afford themselves the same luxuries. I swear your life will change. When you treat yourself better, others will treat you better.

   Start right now and make a list of all the things you will do next time a cold comes along. When it does you will be excited! Your dreams may come true! Someone does care about you!