I couple of years ago, I decided to only give gifts that I know they will love. That does pose a few problems, as it turns out I don't know everyone on my list well enough to make that happen! Also, the bank account doesn't always support that theory, so I added an amendment. I will only give a gift I know they will love, or one that I am excited to give. This means I hand make most of the gifts I give, so I really do start in July. By the time December rolls around, most of my gifts are done! This method of operation means that December should be free of the crazy frenzy, leaving time to enjoy the holidays.
Lets just be clear. This theory of mine is not
foolproof. The reality of the situation is that I bake more cookies, I host spontaneous dinners, I make it to almost everyones weird event, I end up doing strange favours, I'm always adding people to the gift list...the point being: I am not less busy. I am just as deranged as the rest of you, scrambling around doing the Christmas do.
The upside if this hair brained scheme is that this year I watched "Frozen" over and over again, along with every other Christmas movie. Also, there were no twelve hour baking frenzies, preparing twenty dozen boxed up holiday treats, icing and sprinkle mixing in a pool of tears making a new type of Christmas cement. I have had the time to fix the leaky hot tub, mount the TV's on the wall, and buy new glasses. I have attended a choir, in a church. I have purchased a classic toboggan just for fun-sies. My wrapping skills have excelled, I have taken some pictures, and made decorations. I went for a ride on a real sleigh, with jingle bell horses.
I have added new traditions and recipes. Made a new cocktail: Colada-rita (Margarita with coconut cream). I had time to sell at a craft sale! I watched the cat 'Stan' sleep, so cute. I have had time to spend the morning in bed watching the fireplace channel and most importantly, everyone in this house is healthy. No Christmas colds or flu here. The most enjoyable part of all of this is going to West Edmonton Mall right before Christmas, grabbing a hot chocolate and watching the chaos unfold around you, knowing you will not be trudging through the stores, your sweaty body laden with bags digging into your tired limbs.
If you are considering this way of life, it is worth it. People will think you are crazy making Christmas crafts in July, and some will be less than thrilled with your hand-made offerings (they can't all be winners). All of that won't matter if you are excited to just give.