Somehow all I feel like doing is dying. (Where did your mind go just there?) I dyed my hair, some wool, the bathtub…
If you would like to give it a go, all you do is soak some natural fabric in vinegar, scrunch is up on a screen like so.
Then we add the snow. The effect will differ if you use crunchy snow or fluffy, if you pack it or decide to use ice.
The hardest part is waiting patiently for the snow to melt. When it has melted, I let it sit all day to be sure my dyes saturate in spots. Then rinse in water until the water runs clear, wring out excess, then iron it.
Then you get this! I was worried, the colours looked all muddled before unfolding and then Bam! Now what to do with it. All my Hooker (rug hooker) friends swear I can never cut it up. We'll see about that!