
Saturday, 25 October 2014

   Mission: Real Red Velvet Cake!
   Ya herd me, Real red velvet cake, let me explain. Most of you have been led to believe that red velvet cake is chocolate cake with a container of red coloured goop food colouring added to it, to make it extra delicious I suppose. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against food colouring, I'm just not sure where along the line it became so delectable. After all it doesn't really taste.
   Well let me tell you of a story involving a cousin of the carrot cake, a chocolate cake made with beets.  Sounds weird, I know, but this is real red velvet cake. Today I made some for the first time (after a lengthy wait due to procrastination and lack of beets) and let me tell you, it was delicious. I have to admit though that somehow it was less red than the fake red velvet cake, and I'm alright with that.

   I bet you want the recipe. I used one from a magazine as inspiration but I can never really follow a recipe… (I just chose not to.)

2 cups   Gluten free flour mix
1 cup     cocoa
2 tsp      baking powder
1tsp       baking soda
1/2 tsp   salt
2 cups   beet puree- (Roast, peel, and pulverize in food processor.)
1 1/2     cups sugar
1 cup    melted butter
1/2 cup  plain yogurt
1 tsp     vinegar
2 tsp     vanilla
4           eggs
1 tbsp    psyllium fibre (Bulk Barn carries this stuff, it holds the cake together)

   Pre-heat oven to 350F and butter your tins. Sift all dry ingredients together, cocoa and baking soda are always lumpy. In a mixer, combine beet puree, sugar, butter, yogurt, vinegar, vanilla and psyllium fibre. Let stand for about 3 min. Then add dry ingredients and mix, pour into pans and bake. I used 3 smaller round ones and baked for about thirty minutes. You should probably let them cool, I could have waited longer, my icing is kinda melty...
Here is the giant beet Eric gave us, from his garden.

Here is the beets after roasting and pulverizing.
And here are the baked cakes! So tasty and moist!