
Monday, 27 October 2014

   Who loves giant hats? Lets have three cheers for giant hats. I say, lets give Winter those same three cheers.
   Now hear me out. Without winter, giant hats would be out of a job. Giant mitts would have to find work as Chihuahua beds. Wool would be unnecessary and hot chocolate would be less desirable. Ok, maybe not that bit about hot chocolate. The point is the mitts that go over top of my mitts would waste away. I think my cat Stan would be pleased with this arrangement, as he will actively avoid me if they are nearby. I can't say I blame him, I think they are larger than he is.

   I think there are ways to enjoy Winter. I feel I should document this now, as I feel I will need a reminder in a couple months. For starters, there is an endless list of soups and stews, my favourite being cream of mushroom, cream of celery, cream of chicken, potato… you get the idea. Then there's the baked everything, buns, pies, cookies, meats. I'm sure it's just an excuse to turn on the oven.
   Moving on from assorted foods, let's not forget skating, tobogganing, snow forts, snow balls, winter picnics, ice sculptures, perfectly chilled beverages, holiday candy making, and I will even include cross country skiing (preferably en route to a  warmish picnic).
   For all of you who do not have winter boots or possible have been duped into buying 'winter' boots made in a gloriously warm climate, go out right now and get some warm and stylish boots.  It will take some digging, but they are out there. Once you find them your experience of winter will change. (Why is it that we insist on children wearing nice warm footwear yet we deny ourselves the magnificent pleasure of warm, dry feet on a cold wet day?)

   In some strange way, simply enduring the weather, then complaining about it is somehow satisfying. How cold will it get this year? How much snow will I shovel? Will the snow pile be taller than the garage again? Will my vehicles emergency kit remain untouched? Let's hope so. Will all Canadians be issued a card that exempts them from the social pressures of not wearing furs? I'm pretty sure it is fact, I just haven't received my card yet.