
Sunday, 21 September 2014

   A new secret family recipe just established itself in our kitchen all thanks to my ideal husband;
Popcorn twist caramel corn.
   Many of you know that all of our secret family recipes are exactly copied from the handy and free recipes printed on the back of peanut butter jars and cracker boxes. Many of them have quite successfully gone on to represent our lineage and even convince an individual or two that we are in fact great cooks (with the exception of my Aunt Judy and late Aunt Ruth who really are/were great cooks). I guess it comes as no surprise that my husband should partake and carry on this important tradition (whilst I try to join the ranks of 'the Aunts').

 This popcorn twist caramel corn is (probably) no exception. So mouthwateringly sweet and salty, and will be a delectable addition to our afternoon picnic. Since it is already 26.5 C outside on this fine last day before fall, you needn't call, dwellers of warmer provinces. It is really warm here, no snow, so you will be met with disappointment when you ring me to see why we would possibly be considering a picnic at this time of year. So I saved you the trouble. Your'e welcome.