
Monday, 6 October 2014

   I'm pretty sure I'm addicted.
I do it almost every time Francis leaves the house now. I think sometime I secretly hope he leaves the room just so I can do it. I tried to get him hooked too but… it just didn't work out, ok? It's starting to interfere with my work, I'm losing sleep, it's affecting my health and I'm going through a ton of paper.

   I'm talking (of course) about the original Spirograph!
As soon as my multicoloured pen nestles itself in that tiny hole on any number of those little wheels the anticipation is too much. Will it turn out perfect, the minuscule teeth never daring to slip-up, the pen staying the course in it's nest, producing the most mesmerizing amalgamation of repeating circles.

All I hear is Queen's "Don't stop me now" playing in my head as the cogs go round and round.

The question now becomes what to do with pages upon pages of bright spellbinding loops layered among hypnotizing rings.

Make some greeting cards!
I think I may need to move into some gift tags…