I would like to point out that I had not had any interest in shooting guns until recently my curiosity into hunting has been stirred, and well, I live in the right province to know a hunter or two. (I can almost feel my parents cringe halfway around the world but I'm pretty sure they always had an idea this was a likelihood.)
Two things I learnt about myself; I'm a pretty good shot, and I like the bigger gun the best. (That statement could loosely apply to many facets of my character!) I'm pretty sure I am on a certain path toward becoming a real red-neck. Did I mention I also enjoy burning things? I don't think you need to worry though, this quest is mostly fuelled by the desire to expand my foodie pallet and consume exotic and wild game. So, does anyone have a family rifle the want to pass down? I could be the perfect candidate!
See that one really close to the bullseye on the left? That's mine!
So exciting! Thanks Eric for taking us out (and being safe about it). We both had such fun!
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