Thank you Granted Clothing, worth every penny.
I can fulfill my dream of sitting in my bed watching movies while wearing my cozy sweater and hooking a rug. Now you get an idea of the calibre of goals on my bucket list, I think I take the phrase "It's all about the simple things" a little too literally.
It also makes me feel all fuzzy to know that there are people alive in Canada making a living by hand knitting. When I win a big lottery, I will buy a sweater from here for everyone I like (you're welcome).
You can also see my new hair colours! (It's not your computer screen.) That some teal, blue and pink! I love it, and now you have the chance to say out loud all the things you don't like about it, in private. Thereby saving you from saying it to my face and hurting my feelings, which I would never tell you about. Besides, as Francis (and Ellen) says: "What you think about me, is none of my business."
All this makes me wonder, now that the extensive wait is over and the forever desired sweater is finally in my clutches, what now? I require a new-fangled wish. Another novel want, perhaps a real goal with more objective and focus, maybe even something to add more meaning to my life! (Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.)
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