I love my dog... now. It wasn't always this way. Presently she is snoring so loud, (in the other room) I keep thinking the garbage truck is going by or my washing machine is off balance, and that is the best sound ever. She has the well deserved moniker 'Crazy Maggie' that after five years, she is finally growing out of. The house she came from was minus drywall and baseboards in places thanks to Maggie. She has a taste for leashes and has had the pleasure of sampling about twenty of them, same goes for mitts and of course, socks. In the middle of the night I wake to hear blankets being torn and shredded by a certain someone, locked in her cage, being all sad that she cannot sleep on the bed. Needless to say, we go through a lot of blankets, and dog beds. Our house always looks like the shadiest on the block, screen flapping in the wind because she just jumped through it, again. (She always saves it for when you begin to trust her again, you finally fixed the screen and there's something really good outside.) She can zero in on your most cherished wool blanket, (received as a wedding gift,) and eat holes in it on numerous occasions. Getting into serious trouble after each incident did not deter her, I had to hide it in the closet, never to be used again. Curiously she left the second hand shabby wool blankets untouched. She has thieved a pound of butter off the counter. She has knocked over a strangers small child.
I would be lying if I said never have I had a moment of regret in taking this beast. I see people post that they would love love to have a Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog (weird breed, I know) and I just laugh and laugh. Oh, you will love them, just look at those eyes. It's your house, your clothes, your house guests that will suffer. It's all worth it though.
Even worth the time she knocked me over at the knees, bolting right through me at mach one, sending me barreling down a snowy hill...
I could go on all day!
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